ISSN NO : 0048-4911

Positif Journal Instructions to Authors

  • PDF Version of Instructions to Authors
  • Journal Impact Factor, Acceptance Rate, and Turnaround Times
  • Information for Authors funded by the NIH and Plan S Funders
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Paper Submission:
The manuscripts in all the subject areas are welcome. Moreover, submitted manuscript must not be previously accepted for publication elsewhere. The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work this has been appropriately cited or quoted.

Submit your paper to :

 Language: Language of the articles should be only in English.
    File Type       : Authors should submit the articles only in MS-word format
    Page Format  : Single Column / Double Column
    Font Type      : Times New Roman
   Font Size       : Main Heading or Title – 12 points and Bold & Other Contents – 10 points and Bold Size of Submission: Authors are instructed to restrict the number of pages not more than to avoid ambiguity and reduce the editing time.
The file should be attached as email attachment.
In any case the size of the file should never exceed 15 pages owing to file restriction implied.
The submitted paper should contain (author may add subtitle as per paper matter/topic)
Scope of Submitted Manuscripts
Submission of Proposals and Manuscripts
Similarity Check
Open Access Option
Organization of the Manuscript
  1. Title Page
  2. Running Title Page
  3. Abstract
  4. Significance Statement 
  5. Visual Abstract
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Body of Manuscript
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Authorship Contributions
  10. References
  11. Footnotes
  12. Tables
  13. Figure Legends
  14. Figures: Image Manipulation; Figure Preparation
  15. Cover Images
Scope of Submitted Manuscripts
POSITIF Journal publishes papers that provide a comprehensive perspective of innovations in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. High priority will be given to papers that critically examine potential novel therapeutic targets or approaches. Manuscripts should integrate work on basic and cellular pharmacology as well as physiologic aspects germane to the topic. Authors are encouraged to discuss data relevant to the clinical application of the field reviewed.
Papers published in Positive Journal are generally invited by the Editor after consideration of recommendations from the Associate Editors. Others who have an interest in writing for Pharmacological Reviews are encouraged to send proposals to the Editor. The proposal should include a detailed outline of the proposed article and a brief curriculum vitae.

Science, Engineering and Technology
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Applied Chemistry
Applied physics
Architecture and Construction
Artificial Intelligence
Automobile Engineering
Ceramic Technology
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Communication Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Earth quake Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Embedded System
Environmental Engineering
Food Engineering and Technology
Garment Technology
Highway Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Information Technology
Instrumentation Engineering and Technology
Interior Design and Decoration 
Leather Technology
Electronics Engineering
Library and Information Sciences
Marine Engineering
Material Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Laboratory Technology
Metallurgical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Nano Technology
Petroleum Engineering
Plastic Engineering and Technology
Polymer Engineering
Production and Industrial Engineering
Rural Development and Technology
Software engineering
Structural engineering
Telecommunication Engineering
Test and Testability
Textile Design, Engineering and Processing
Textile Technology (Knitting/Spinning/Weaving)
Urban Studies 
Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Physical Sciences and Environment
Biological & Medical Sciences
Management and Commerce
Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
Biomedical Engineering 
Dental Science
Integrative Medicine – viz
Healthcare- viz
Medical Science
Architectural and design research
Urban planning research
Architectural and design research
Architectural and design theory
Sport Sciences
Computer Sciences
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